6 interesting ways to identify the breed of a dog from a photo!

 It has definitely happened to all of us that when we have seen a dog either in a photo or up close, we would like to know what breed it is. This can be done out of curiosity or because you want to have that dog. In this article, we want to help you identify the breed of a dog more easily. Stay with us in this interesting article. 


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How to identify the dog breed?

 It is not an easy task to accurately identify the breed of a dog for all types of breeds; Because there is a lot of variety of races, therefore, you either have to study a lot or you have to use special tools, which of course are all accessible on mobile phones and smart phones; Such as race detection apps, etc., which we will mention later. How to use these programs is not difficult and does not require special training.


Identifying the dog breed from the photo 

One of the ways to recognize a dog's breed is by looking at the image. But in this method, you should pay close attention to the special characteristics of the dog in its appearance. For example, you have to pay close attention to the dog's tail, head and face, or even their ears. 


Identifying the breed from the head 

 Dogs either have long heads or normal or small heads. Dogs with elongated heads usually belong to breeds such as poodles. To recognize the German race, if you pay attention to the size of his head; This breed also has a long and elongated head and face. Other breeds with long heads include the Great Dane, Rough Collie, and Whippet. Among the breeds that have an almost normal and average head size, we can mention Beagle, Yorkshire Terrier, Elkhand, Dalmatian and Malinois. These types of dogs have skulls slightly larger than their muzzles. Dogs with small head sizes usually have heads larger than their muzzles, as in the previous group. In fact, they have short muzzles and it is possible that even the skin around their muzzles is wrinkled. Usually, dogs of the Bulldog, Pug, Boxer Cavalier or King Charles breeds have heads of this shape.


Identifying the breed by the shape of the ears 

Sometimes it also happens that we can distinguish the breed of a dog by looking at the shape of a dog's ears according to whether they are sharp or round, fallen or standing. It is enough to know which breeds of dogs have sharp ears, for example. For example, one of the dogs with hanging ears is the Dachshund breed.  

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Identifying the breed from the tail 

 If you increase your knowledge in the field of dogs, after some time you will understand well that the shape of the tail of each breed may be different. For example, some breeds have short tails, some have long tails, and some have curly tails. Of course, sometimes it may happen that a dog's tail is cut off for a reason, and at this time, we should also refer to the other factors mentioned, such as the color of the skin or even the density of their hair. For example, to identify the breed of Golden Retriever, you can easily pay attention to its hair density and body hair color. They have long hair and as the name suggests, they have golden hair. However, sometimes their hair turns white.


Identifying dog breed based on other factors 

Dogs' feet help us a lot in this regard. For example, identifying the breed of short-legged dog, you can easily understand that a dog with too short legs is likely to be in this group.



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