Hair loss in pets and its causes
Hair loss due to hair loss from childhood to adulthood
As cats and dogs go through their childhood, they gradually lose their fur and gradually grow new fur that is special for adults. So, as a result, hair loss in one phase is completely normal for them.
Hair loss due to the change of season
It should be said that pets are wild like their ancestors and experience more hair loss in some seasons. This hair loss occurs once in the change of season from winter to spring and once in summer when the weather gets warmer. It must be said, but there is no reason to worry because with the beginning of the cold season, these furs, which are like a skin coat, can warm the animal's body.
Hair loss in long-haired animals
Hair loss in pets and its causes Long-haired animals such as Persian cats, husky dogs, have hair loss compared to other breeds, and the reason is the length of their body hair.
Hair loss due to disease
Most skin diseases cause hair loss. These diseases can be caused by skin parasites, fungi, bacteria. Sometimes, food allergy can also cause hair loss with a contact such as where the animal sleeps on. Some diseases such as ringworm and anemia can also cause hair loss. In most cases, it has been said that the animal is itchy; who lost part of his hair while scratching.
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